The Renaissance & Reformation mcqs

The Renaissance And Reformation MCQS. Get MCQS from the Renaissance and Reformation periods and prepare yourself for FPSC, PPSC, NTS,  MCAT, NET, GATE and other tests. There are different categories related to the Renaissance and Reformation periods.

3- The Renaissance And Reformation ( 1485-1660 )

What is the delicate balancing act of Marvell’s Horatian Ode?

A. praising Roman virtues whilst endors- ing Christian beliefs
B. praising feminine virtue whilst mocking the fixation on chastity
C. celebrating Cromwell’s victories whilst inviting sympathy for the executed king
D. celebrating the Restoration whilst re- gretting the frivolity of the new regime

C. celebrating Cromwell’s victories whilst inviting sympathy for the executed king

What was the general subject of the Welsh poet Katherine Philips’s work

A. celebrations of the transience of all life and beauty
B. celebrations of lesbian sexuality in terms that did not imply a male readership
C. celebrations of religious ecstasy and divine inspiration
D. celebrations of female friendship in Platonic terms normally reserved for male friendships

D. celebrations of female friendship in Platonic terms normally reserved for male friendships