Choose the correct order of marriages and divorces as they occur in the novel.

A. Jude and Arabella marry, Jude and Arabella divorce, Jude and Sue marry, Jude and Sue divorce, Jude and Arabella marry, Sue and Phillotson marry
B. Jude and Arabella marry, Sue and Phillotson marry, Jude and Arabella divorce, Sue and Phillotson divorce, Sue and Phillotson marry, Jude and Arabella marry
C. Jude and Arabella marry, Sue and Phillotson marry, Sue and Phillotson divorce, Jude and Arabella divorce, Phillotson and Arabella marry, Jude and Sue marry
D. Sue and Phillotson marry, Sue and Phillotson divorce, Sue and Phillotson marry, Jude and Arabella marry, Sue and Phillotson divorce, Jude and Arabella divorce

B. Jude and Arabella marry, Sue and Phillotson marry, Jude and Arabella divorce, Sue and Phillotson divorce, Sue and Phillotson marry, Jude and Arabella marry

Jude The Obscure mcqs

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