A. Bradley
B. Dryden
C. Dr Johnson
D. None of these
A. Satire
B. Paganism
C. Classicism
D. Puritanism
A. Satire
A. Thackeray
B. Thomas Hardy
C. Charles Dickens
D. Walter Scott
C. Charles Dickens
A. 1860-1
B. 1857-8
C. 1852-3
D. none of these
A. 1860-1
A. Charles Dickens
B. George Eliot
C. Charlotte Bronte
D. Jane Austen
C. Charlotte Bronte
A. John Ruskin
B. Russell
C. Aldous Huxley
D. J.S. Mill
C. Aldous Huxley
A. An ode
B. An elegy
C. A sonnet
D. Neither
B. An elegy
A. A romantic
B. A Victorian
C. A Pre-Raphaelite
D. None of these
B. A Victorian
A. John Ruskin
B. Russell
C. Aldous Huxley
D. None of these
A. John Ruskin