A. Tennyson
B. Byron
C. Keats
D. None of these
A. Shelly
B. De Quincey
C. Wordsworth
D. None of these
A. Coleridge
B. Keats
C. Wordsworth
D. None of these
A. Tennyson
B. Browning
C. Matthew Arnold
D. None of these
A. English
B. Latin
C. Greek
D. None of these
A. 1820
B. 1825
C. 1830
D. None of these
A. 1800
B. 1802
C. 1798
D. None of these
A. Ruskin
B. Carlyle
C. J. S. Mill
D. None of these
A. The Idylls of the kings
B. Charge of the Light Brigade
C. In Memoriam
D. None of these
A. Friendly
B. Indifferent
C. Vindictive
D. None of these
A. Anneta Vallon
B. Dorothy
C. Drawn from folk song heroines
D. None of these
A. The Last Ride together
B. One Word More
C. The Last Duchess
D. None of these
A. 1810
B. 1840
C. 1805
D. None of these
A. Charles Lamb
B. Carlyle
C. Ruskin
D. None of these
A. Aestheticism
B. Escapism
C. Pragmatism
D. None of these
A. Shelley
B. Browning
C. Wordsworth
D. None of these
A. 1793
B. 1795
C. 1798
D. None of these
A. 1793
B. 1802
C. 1789
D. None of these
A. Social Forces
B. Providence
C. Fate
D. None of these
A. Excursion
B. One Summer Evening
C. Prelude
D. None of these
A. We Are Seven (Wordsworth)
B. Ballad of Reading Gaol (Oscar Wilde)
C. Prisoner of Chillon (Byron)
D. None of these